Benefits of technology include:
- Closing the achievement gap
If we have more technology available in our schools, it would be accessible to students that might not otherwise get to use technology. Closing the gap in achievement between students of higher economic background and those of lower should be a constant priority for our school district! - Preparing our students for the 21st century
Our students are entering a completely different society than we did when we completed our K-12 education. Students are required to, "learn, think, and analysis" in order to keep up with society's demands. Technology can help facilitate the kind of learning that is necessary to prepare students for this by allowing students to access, analyze and critique information and then create, "authentic products." - Engage students by making the school setting more like the environment of the rest of their world
As you have most likely observed, students are constant consumers of technology, and this interests them. So why not use technology to engage them in learning. By using instructional technology, teachers can assist students in, "spending more time on task, working independently, enjoying what they are learning, and learning in places outside of the school walls." All of these components add up to more learning! - Improvement in writing skills
More technology can add up to more chances for students to write more and edit and revise their writing more easily. This causes students to take more responsibility for their work and feel more confident about it. There are a variety of softwares available that make writing more exciting (such as allowing students to produce their own comic book). - Opportunities to look at information through multiple lenses
If our schools have more technology integrated into them, students have access to more information. This allows students to look at a subject or issue from many different perspectives and do research more in-depth. Students then know that much more about that topic and will remember what they learned for a longer period of time. - Integration of technology into instruction more consistently
It is logical that if teachers have access to more technology, they can use it as instructional materials more often. The sky is the limit if this is the case. Teachers could use video clips from United Streaming or YouTube, sound clips, PowerPoint presentations, and on and on. Similarly, when teachers decide to involve students in a project that involves using technology, there is less hassle (i.e. scheduling time in a computer lab, library media center, or with a mobile computer lab) in doing so.
I don't know about you, but each one of these benefits in and of itself makes me want to donate all of my assets to the district so that they have sufficient funding for technology. Though I can't do this, I can do all I can to make sure that this referendum passes. So, PLEASE use the information above in your conversations with those who might oppose. If you wish to read the entire article that this information is from, see the citation below!
Respectfully yours,
Brad Anderson
Community Member and Local Business Owner
Full Article Citation
Warschauer, M. (2006). Going One-to-One. Educational Leadership, 63(4), 34-38.
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